Thanks to all of you who went with me to the Aquarium. Especially for being so patient with me as I photographed all the sea creatures and even pointing out some amazing shots!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I love visiting aquariums. I feel like I am entering a different world, filled with creatures I wouldn't see anywhere else. The different rays are always my favorite. I love seeing them gracefully "fly" through the water and smile back at me with that goofy grin imprinted on their underside. My second favorite are all of the colors you find beneath the water. It's amazing! Blues, greens, pinks, yellows, every color you can think of and then some are found under the sea. I'm always in awe.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ismael and Mary
Any day is a great day to go out and shoot, especially when living in sunny California! I love being able to take someone up to the mountains, into the city or in this case down to the beach and see if we can capture some amazing memories. The portraits below are of my cousin Ismael and his beautiful wife Mary.
...A little insight into my life, family is very important to me and this particular cousin comes from a family who couldn't be any dearer to my heart. Our dad's are identical twin brothers and our moms are sisters and if that isn't enough we grew up living next door to each other. So it makes me so incredibly happy that he has been given such a wonderful wife that loves him dearly. Just being around these two makes me smile.
Monday, July 19, 2010
I was very excited when Michelle called me up to plan out her Senior Portraits. Michelle is an amazing girl whom I've known for about three years now, she is truly beautiful on the inside and out. Due to some crazy circumstances our shoot had to be within the week she contacted me and between our two schedules we had about an hour of sunlight to spare. She met me at work and we walked over to a hill that was bursting with wild flowers and the shoot began. We had so much fun finding the beauty that was all around us and the results were some amazing photographs for her to keep and share with loved ones.

Thank you Michelle, it was so much fun working with you!! Congratulations on Graduating!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
BIG & small
This past weekend I was able to spend some time up at Bass Lake with some very big and very small friends. I will start with my small friend, the little red spider that caught my eye. I was actually very surprised that I saw this little guy as he was only half the size of a grain of sand but his big bold color was begging to be photographed. At first I wasn't sure what this bug was exactly so I took out my macro and began to shoot. As I zoomed in I noticed it had 8 tiny legs. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? Keep in mind that the rocks pictured below are actually grains of sand, no not gravel, sand.

My big friend is none other than Miss Gucci, the Saint Bernard.
Have you ever spent time with a Saint Bernard? They are wonderful dogs and so calm. She was wonderful to have around the lake and had us sit in all of the most shaded spots. Poor thing was afraid of the water at first and had a little trouble finding a good resting spot on the hill we had chosen but once she got comfortable she had a fabulous time. This is her relaxing on the hill just before she discovered that sitting in the lake was much cooler.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July
One of my favorite things about holidays is spending time with family...and the more the merrier! I want to be able to see every Tia (aunt) and Tio (uncle) I have, as well as all my cousins, however I've come to realize that there are people in my life that I love dearly that don't necessarily fit into those catagories. This is why I love the 4th of July. The 4th isn't necessarily a family holiday, so this year I was able to spend it with my friends and have a good time with people I love that aren't blood related but still feel like family. The picture below is of one of my favorite little friends. His mom had to keep a very close eye on him because for some reason he thought the sparkler looked like a tasty treat.
My 4th of July started out with my best friend (aka my husband) and I going to a wonderful BBQ, we then watched some amazing fireworks and then headed off to a friends house to play with sparklers and the occasional Piccalo Pete.
One of the great things about friends is that you can be silly together but one of the really great things about my friends is that they let me shoot them WHILE they are being silly.
I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends that I can share the holidays with I hope that all of your 4th of July celebrations were just as fun.
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